Aw Crap

A lot of people might not know this, but I’ve had type 1 diabetes for about 17 years. It has a lot of ups and downs (both in a general sense and in a blood sugar level sense), which, I feel, is something that unites the type 1 diabetes community. We all know how hard it is to manage it and keep it under control. So, I wanted to encapsulate that feeling that every type 1 has had- the feeling of “aw crap” when they check their blood sugar and it’s nothing but utter chaos. Maybe you woke up at 2:30am to a blood sugar of 63 and went to the pantry and practically inhaled every cookie you could get your grubby little hands on as though your life depended on it. Aw Crap. Maybe you woke up later around 10am and now your blood sugar has skyrocketed to 347 and even though you know exactly why it happened, you’re still like, “how the hell did this happen??” Aw crap, indeed.

No matter what kind of type 1 diabetic you are, you know exactly what this means.

Aw Crap, 2020.


Sunday Company - Viva Las Sunday

